Biden Has 60 Days to Protect Immigrant Communities

Challenging Injustice, Advancing Human Rights

The Unitarian Universalist Service Committee advances human rights through grassroots collaborations.

Carly Cronon

Senior Philanthropy Officer

Carly Cronon works closely with the Director of Individual Giving to ensure that UUSC meets its fundraising objectives for Planned Giving and Major Gifts. With the goal of helping UUSC achieve its human rights mission, Carly builds relationships with current and prospective supporters, designs special events for planned giving donors, and communicates the tax advantages of making a charitable planned gift to UUSC.

A member of UUSC’s team since 2015, Carly previously served as the institution’s Senior Associate for Congregational Support. In her work to bolster UUSC outreach and fundraising in congregations through programs such as Guest at Your Table, Carly had the opportunity to get to know many of UUSC’s dedicated supporters. As UUSC’s Senior Philanthropy Officer, she is excited to continue building relationships with the members who help make our human rights work possible.

Carly received her bachelor’s degree in English, Creative Writing, and Education from Colby College. A lifelong Unitarian Universalist, she is passionate about working with others for social change.

ccronon @