Уніатський універсалістський комітет служіння просуває права людини через співпрацю на низовому рівні.
International Justice and Accountability

UUSC responds to select natural and manmade disasters where there is an opportunity for us to leverage its strategic assets to address systemic inequities and further our long-term human rights goals. We do this by partnering with those whose access to aid is most limited, supporting frontline communities as they rebuild their lives on the way to a just recovery.
While most relief funds raised following a crisis go to large international NGOs, UUSC supports locally led, grassroots organizations who are best positioned to respond because they know the affected communities and their needs. Unlike large aid agencies, which roll out large-scale disaster programs in a one-size-fits-all approach, UUSC understands that when a disaster strikes, people’s situations vary greatly, depending on their race, class, and sexual orientation or gender identity. Our work begins with an understanding that how people are oppressed before a disaster will affect their access to relief after a disaster.
UUSC has employed its eye-to-eye partnership model to successfully respond to dozens of crises around the world.
Learn more about how we do this work:
Here are some of our partners:
Image credit: UUSC